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These days, signing a mortgage means taking on a really big financial commitment. Home values are still elevated on a national level, and mortgage rates are the highest they’ve been in decades. And so chances are, if you’re taking out a mortgage, you’re committing yourself to a fairly large series of monthly payments.

That’s why it’s so important to choose the right mortgage lender. But if these three signs apply to you, perhaps you’re about to make a giant mistake.

1. You’re looking at really high closing costs

It’s common practice for mortgage lenders to impose closing costs in the course of finalizing a home loan. Those fees run the gamut from application fees to title insurance fees to recording fees.

Generally speaking, you should expect the closing costs on your mortgage to equal 2% to 5% of the amount you’re borrowing. So if you’re taking out a $300,000 mortgage, you may be looking at anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000 to finalize your loan.