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Kathleen McCarthy took to the stage at the opening of the Urban Land Institute’s annual fall meeting Tuesday to outline her property preferences as co-head of Blackstone Real Estate. But she spent a portion of her talk focusing on an issue more personal.

As a mother, McCarthy said she understands the “juggle and struggle” for parenting executives, including those who are expected to select the world’s best property investments. McCarthy often struggles to put work down in the evening to tuck her daughter into bed at night.

It was something she grappled with for some time until she saw how some of her male colleagues, like longtime Blackstone executive Bill Stein, were devoted fathers and that didn’t affect how others viewed them or the outcomes of their business.

That’s when she could finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing she could be a good mother and a successful executive, McCarthy said at the conference in Dallas. She touched on parenthood, workplace bias and how managing the two helped her in her job deciding on investment real estate that these days includes industrial, multifamily and types of hospitality.