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Fitting solar panels is an eco-friendly option if you want to save on your energy bills. A 30% tax credit is available to homeowners to make this easier.

As well as these advantages, a solar power system has the potential to increase the value of your home and can make the home more attractive to buyers. Whether solar panels add value to a house depends on a few factors.

It is essential for buyers and sellers to know them. For example, having solar panels on the front of your home may negate a substantial amount of value added. Nobody wants to look at a feature that makes a property less visually appealing.

Don’t automatically assume you can tack on thousands of dollars to your asking price – despite what all solar companies tell you. As a real estate agent in the business for thirty-seven years, I can tell you that is untrue.

While there are distinct advantages in some areas, in others, there are not. Selling a house with solar panels might not be as straightforward as other homes. You should never assume the value added will be the same in your location vs. another.

We will look at the challenges you might face when you sell a house with solar panels.

Is it More Difficult to Sell a Home with Solar Panels?

In some areas of the country, sellers find that homes will solar energy systems typically spend less time on the market and are more likely to receive offers above the asking price.

In others, it is not the case. Remember, all real estate is local. It could be a great time to sell your house where you’re located and not somewhere else.

The type of home can also influence the viability of solar. For example, selling a luxury home with solar panels on the front of the roof will be more challenging.

Picture a stunning luxury home with every imaginative detail. Now picture it with a solar panel system adorned above the front door. Does that sound appealing? Probably not. Many luxury home buyers would agree.

They are more concerned about the property’s grandeur than saving some money on their utility bills.