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Roughly one-third of Americans are citing housing costs as the economic issue that worries them the most, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.

In a survey of 1,910 adults polled between Sept. 7-11, roughly half of respondents (49%) said the price of gas and consumer goods was the economic issue generating the greatest level of agita, while mortgage or rent costs worried 34%. Less concern was generated by the stock market (9%) and the respondents’ job situation (4%).

Housing jitters have become more pronounced since Quinnipiac University’s January 2023 poll on the same topic, when 48% said the price of gas and consumer goods created the greatest worry, followed by 28% citing housing costs, 14% pointing to the stock market and 5% expressing nervousness about their job situation.

Broken down among demographics, the percentage of those citing housing costs as a primary worry was higher among Democrats (49%) versus Republicans (20%) and independents (40%). Men and women were almost equally apprehensive (35% versus 37%), and the worry was stronger among Blacks (55%) and Hispanics (38%) than Whites (31%). Respondents between the ages of 18 to 34 named housing as their biggest economic issue (55%), while those over 65 had the least concern (21%).