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The new Highmark Stadium for the NFL’s Buffalo Bills is still on target for a June 2026 opening, but its projected costs have hemorrhaged to $2.1 billion – more than $560 million over its initial estimate.

The Associated Press reports taxpayers funding for the project consists of $600 million from New York State and $250 million from Erie County. However, taxpayers will not be charged for the overruns – the team is responsible for overruns beyond $1.54 billion.

The new stadium is being built across the street from the team’s current venue in Orchard Park, New York, which will be razed and replaced with an entertainment district. The Bills are funding their share of the ongoing construction through an NFL loan program and with a first-time seat licensing fee for season-ticket holders.

The new stadium will accommodate about 60,000 – the current stadium seats about 72,000 – and will feature curved sides to cover a majority of seats rather than offer an enclosed domed environment. Bills President Pete Guelli remained confident that fans will appreciate the team’s new home.

“It’s going to be an exceptional fan experience, and incredible place to play,” he said. “I think we’re very proud that we can build a facility like this in Buffalo and have it available to our fans,” he added. “We need this project to be a success for the team on and off the field, and it will be.”

Photo: Artist’s rendering of the new Highmark Stadium