The transition from renting to homeownership is seen as insurmountable by nearly half of renters, according to a new survey from the nonprofit NeighborWorks America.
This survey, which was conducted between Feb. 1-5 among a sample of 4,426 adults, found 48% of renters lamenting that they did not see how it was possible to become a homeowner, with fewer than one-in-six (15%) renters viewing homeownership as very possible in their future and just over one-quarter (26%) of those surveyed say that it was somewhat possible to move into homeownership.
Among age demographics, GenZ renters were the most optimistic, with 53% believing homeownership was very or somewhat possible, while baby boomers were the least optimistic with 21% answering in the affirmative. Among the GenZ cohort, Black renters stand out with significantly higher optimism – 66% of Black GenZ renters said it was very or somewhat possible to become a homeowner, compared to 38% of White GenZ and 54% of Hispanic GenZ.
Among renters with annual incomes above $100,000, 58% of this group cited that homeownership is very or somewhat possible, compared to only 37% of renters earning $50,000 or less.
“The financial pressure on renters today is probably as strong as it’s been in a very long time,” said Marietta Rodriguez, NeighborWorks America president and CEO. “Nevertheless, I know that there are pathways to homeownership for renters. NeighborWorks organizations have helped thousands of individuals buy their first homes even in challenging economic conditions.”
Yet, the renters in Oregon cities are “VERY reliable voters” and vote for all the bonds and money tax measures on property taxes. Our property taxes here go through the roof with all those add ons. They don’t realize that their cost of mortgage will include the cost of property taxes, making it even more unaffordable!
Math has an irritating way of revealing the truth.
Prices of homes and everything else is high because of our ridiculously high human population. More people means less land and less resources per person, so prices go higher.
Why do we expect anything else when that is exactly what our culture wanted.
And the real estate industry also always promised that investing in land and homes would mean higher prices later (and profits) because more people in the future would push prices higher! So, that has happened, as promised, and we are now complaining that we got exactly what we wanted??
Resources are expensive because so much has already been depleted and getting scarcer and more expensive due to our over-population. Certain high tech items do get cheaper, on average, for their performance level. But that can happen with a smaller population too. We don’t need to destroy the world for a cheaper high tech T.V.
Global Trade means that nations will damage and extract resources to sell to other nations, so even the lower population nations can suffer damages due to high populations in other nations. But the reverse is also true.
Higher Consumerism increases impacts.
The U.S. has 345 million people, which is 4.2% of the Global Population (8.2 Billion).
But, the U.S. consumes a whopping 25% of Global resources used by people, so our nation has impacts like those of a nation of over 2 Billion people, more than India, China, or all of Africa.
Thus, even lower density populated nations can have enormous impacts due to high consumerism. Developed nations also ship unbelievable quantities of trash to poorer nations to dump onto their lands and into their waters. The U.S. and other developed nations also send their dirty manufacturing to the poorest nations, which is why we then blame those nations for NOT being “cleaner”, but it’s our crap that we are paying them to make over there!
World Population info.
The world now has 8.2 Billion humans (and still rising).
That is OVER 16x more people than 400 years ago when the world had 1/2 Billion or 500 million people.
Birth rates started slowing down since the mid 1960’s, but births have continued to be higher each year than deaths each year, so the population keeps rising each year (any positive growth rate, above ZERO, means that the population is still rising).
In 2025, the annual growth rate has now fallen to just under 1% (0.0085 = 0.85%).
8.2 Billion x 0.0085 = 69.7 million people that will be ADDED to the world population just this year, in ONE single year. That is like adding the population of CA and Texas in one year.
The current projections are for the “growth rate” to fall to ZERO in year 2084.
The population in 2084 is expected to reach a maximum at about 10.3 Billion, which is 2.1 Billion MORE humans than today.
Even after 2084, the population will only fall very, very, very slowly.
This is when Deaths will be more than births each year (a negative growth rate).
But the decline will be small and slow.
In year 2100, the population is expected to still be a whopping 10.2 Billion, meaning 2 Billion more people than today.
That’s like ADDING the Global Population of 1927 (2 Billion) to our current population (8.2 Billion).
That future can be changed IF we choose to target Human Over-Population as the Disease that it is!
Oxfam Global Charity reports that 1 in 8 people are malnourished today.
It also reports that 5.4 Billion people (66% or 2/3rd) are in one of the many levels of poverty.
Only 2.8 Billion people (34%) are being supported at decent living standards.
We have been pillaging the world’s resources with these facts well known.
How is ADDING 2 Billion MORE humans going to fix this?
It won’t.
Wake UP! Human Over-Population is the Disease that needs to be attacked.
Stop wasting time on putting tiny band-aids on the endless symptoms of that disease!
Stop blaming politicians who are dealing with OUR family planning choices.
Stop blaming people who present the mathematical facts to you.
Stop electing idiots who promote more population growth when it is painfully obvious that Human Over-Population is the Causal Factor in ALL environmental problems and in MOST human problems too, like Wars, which are always fought over shrinking resources and who will control them in an over-populated world.
Why do you think Billionaires are buying up vast areas of agricultural lands, while building fortress homes on large acreages? Huge global food shortages are projected to hit more people by year 2050. Those Billionaires will NOT be sharing their food or other resources with YOU!
But WE (all people) are mostly to blame because we are driving the population growth (and Elon Musk too who now has 12 kids out of 5 women and 1 male, meaning he has doubled the population of his family in 1 generation).
Google Population Data and ignore Elon Musk because he is LYING!
The population is NOT falling. Global population is still rising.
Only a few countries have very, very, slowly falling populations, but those nations are also among the most over-populated too. Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, and a few others have capped out and are having very slowly falling populations, but that’s good because those nations have too many people anyway! Other nations have rising populations, including the U.S., and also India, and most nations in Africa and many in the MiddleEast and other parts of Asia.
Musk is intentionally confusing people because he knows that most people do not understand basic math. The “growth rate” is slowing down, but that just means that people are not having as many kids as they used to have, perhaps having 3 to 4 kids, instead of 4 to 8 kids. But births still continue to out number deaths each year, so the population keeps rising, at least until year 2084.
If someone has 3 children, they have increased their families population by 50% more.
3 kids vs. 2 parents. (2 kids is replacement rate).
If those 3 kids each have 3 kids, then there will be 9 grandchildren, and that means the family population is more than 2x higher in just 2 generations.
4 grandkids is replacement rate.
Learn the Math. Some very cool info that will “turn ON the brain lights”.
Google these terms to find great Worldometers data, tables, graphs, historical info and projected future population info.
“Worldometers, World population” for the current population clock and a cool graph of population growth over time and some great historical milestone info.
and ”
Worldometers projected population thru year 2100 (for future population info)
Worldometers, population by year” for a year by year history of human populations since B.C. to present day.
We need to face the Facts of our gross Human Over-Population and its endless impacts.
Humans are now using a stunning 70% of all lands globally, leaving the crap lands for tiny remnants of wild nature, while we still intrude even into those last vestiges of wild lands to pillage them for more population growth and more consumerism, more agricultural and grazing lands, and more resource extraction zones.
Humans have removed more than 50% of global Plant Biomass since civilizations began.
More than 50% of fresh water sources are gone.
More than 50% of arable soils have been destroyed.
Wild species are collapsing into extinction, meaning that our FREE World Heritage Biological Library that took over 4.5 Billion years to evolve is vanishing before our eyes, and we cannot wait hundreds of millions of years to re-evolve all this biodiversity.
Plants only began to exist starting 500 million years ago (11% of earth’s history).
Large scale forests have only been around about 350 million years (about 8% of earth’s history).
Flowering plants have existed only for the most recent 140 million years ( 3% of earth’s history).
Flowering plants brought an explosion of species diversity.
Today, 90% of all plants are flowering plants, and 90% of flowering plants need animal pollinators.
That means that 81% of ALL plant types need animal pollinators for those plants to exist to create oxygen, sequester carbon, create moisture & rain, to cool the planet in summers and to keep it warmer during winters by slowing the escape of heat into the night sky, and all those plants produce flowers and food from those flowers.
We need all the life support species that make our Biosphere work for aerobic species, like us. We need the tiny and the large species to keep the cycle turning, including recycling of nutrients and waste products.
We are now paying companies 5 Billion to build Carbon Sequestration plants to store CO2, while ignoring that we are ripping out vast zones of Plant rich ecosystems that do that for FREE!.
We are also destroying ocean health, which will soon impact phytoplankton, that make 50% of breathable oxygen, while land plants make the other 50%.
When both are destroyed by our bloated human population, expect to pay mega-corporations to artificially create your daily oxygen tank, and vote as they wish or they won’t let you breath!