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The transition from renting to homeownership is seen as insurmountable by nearly half of renters, according to a new survey from the nonprofit NeighborWorks America.

This survey, which was conducted between Feb. 1-5 among a sample of 4,426 adults, found 48% of renters lamenting that they did not see how it was possible to become a homeowner, with fewer than one-in-six (15%) renters viewing homeownership as very possible in their future and just over one-quarter (26%) of those surveyed say that it was somewhat possible to move into homeownership.

Among age demographics, GenZ renters were the most optimistic, with 53% believing homeownership was very or somewhat possible, while baby boomers were the least optimistic with 21% answering in the affirmative. Among the GenZ cohort, Black renters stand out with significantly higher optimism – 66% of Black GenZ renters said it was very or somewhat possible to become a homeowner, compared to 38% of White GenZ and 54% of Hispanic GenZ.

Among renters with annual incomes above $100,000, 58% of this group cited that homeownership is very or somewhat possible, compared to only 37% of renters earning $50,000 or less.

“The financial pressure on renters today is probably as strong as it’s been in a very long time,” said Marietta Rodriguez, NeighborWorks America president and CEO. “Nevertheless, I know that there are pathways to homeownership for renters. NeighborWorks organizations have helped thousands of individuals buy their first homes even in challenging economic conditions.”