Source: Forbes —
Investors who want to compete in the new real estate game are approaching business with a new framework—one that gives them speed, foresight and agility.
Nearly every week we read about institutional investors like Brookfield, Starwood or Blackstone acquiring another big real estate portfolio or raising a new multi-billion dollar fund. They’ve enhanced the way they do business to adapt to the times—operating at scale with speed and precision despite market volatility. They’re playing what I think of as the new real estate game.
Major companies have learned to cut through the “noise” by using data to focus on what the real estate market is telling them. Thanks to a new landscape of proptech, data is now easier to gather, collaborate around and draw insights from than it ever has been before.
With the proper framework and strategies, data-driven proptech can allow you to stay agile in turbulent times, helping you manage change; with this new toolset, forward-thinking investors can apply the same methodologies as industry giants and gain a competitive edge.
A New Methodology
My company has worked with hundreds of real estate investment managers—from smaller boutique and mid-market firms to industry giants. Based on this experience, we came up with a new framework for understanding, competing and operating in a fast-changing landscape. This framework has four key components: data, automation, collaboration and scale (DACS). The following is how I think you can best apply this framework in your own business:
1. Use better data and insights.