“Viewpoint,” a television series hosted by Dennis Quaid, is collaborating with the real estate investment firm Lakeland Capital for an upcoming episode designed to educate viewers on multifamily housing solutions and the sector’s potential within real estate investing.
In the episode, viewers will learn about the latest trends and developments in multifamily housing, explore the investment opportunities within the sector, and gain insight on how multifamily housing can address current and future solutions for real estate and community planning.
“As part of our commitment to continued industry education, we look forward to sharing our unique perspective on investing in multifamily properties with the Viewpoint team,” said Lakeland Capital Managing Partner Alexander Westra. “These insights include our longer-term approach to creating a better place for tenants to live while preserving capital and generating above market returns for investors.”
The “Viewpoint” episode featuring Lakeland Capital is scheduled for production later in the year.