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The Canadian multifamily real estate company VIDA has launched an international landscape and design contest for a new 6.6-acre affordable home community, nestled in Kentville, Nova Scotia – and to kick off the contact, the company has recruited the stars of The Trailer Park Boys comedy franchise for a promotional video.

The contest provides a $25,000 grand prize and submissions can be made by landscape designers, architects, students and other interested parties. According to the company, the winning design “will encompass an inspiring exterior layout that naturally reflects the sense of belonging of this pristine Coastal Modular community.”

The company added it was “looking for creative ways to position the homes on the site – minimizing infrastructure investments (fill, road, plumbing services, etc.), while maximizing the number of units and the sense of beauty and quality of life within the amenity space. Participants are encouraged to use their best creative senses to deliver features rarely seen in a modular home community.”

In the promotional video for the contest, the three Trailer Park Boys comically argue among each other while trying to come up with their notion of what the new community could feature. Ron Lovett, founder and CEO of VIDA, also appeared in the video to announce Habit for Humanity was also partnering in this contest.

Photo: Screenshot of The Trailer Park Boys discussing their contest entry.