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​The prospect of becoming a bona fide homeowner is an exciting one, but if you let that fervor cloud your judgment, you could end up with a pit instead of a palace. When you go to showings, don’t let the glitz and glam of fresh paint and new countertops distract you. Keep your eyes peeled for these real estate red flags. They just might save you from sinking your money into a bad deal.

11 Legit Ways to Make Extra Cash

1. You notice cracks in the foundation

Cracks in the sidewalk? Normal. Cracks in your home? Deal breaker.

When you view a property in person, take note of any fissures — or patchwork — in the foundation. Hairline cracks here and there may be normal, but a split wider than 1/10 of an inch or a cluster of vertical cracks are cause for concern.

You also want to look for horizontal cracks and cracks that resemble a stair step. These could be signs of serious structural issues with the foundation, which are expensive to fix and can make the home unsafe.

2. The price is unbelievably low

A seller isn’t going to part with their property for mere pennies, so if a listing price seems too good to be true, there’s probably a reason. The home may need extensive repairs, or the current owners may owe outstanding property taxes they’re hoping you’ll inherit.