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Life is a balancing act, and more luxuries typically mean more upkeep and obligations. To simplify your life, you might consider downsizing your home. Streamlining your housing situation will help you reduce stress and provide you with more freedom. If you’re not sure where to begin, we’ve got some tips to help you decide.

Upkeep, Free Time, and a Fresh Start

The most obvious and universal benefits to downsizing your home are a reduction in obligations and an increase in recreation time. A smaller property with fewer amenities will require less maintenance, upkeep, and repairs. This will free you up to accomplish more with the time you may have spent on home improvement tasks. Smaller homes are also easier to heat and light, lowering your utility bills in addition to presumably lower mortgage payments and property taxes.

Moving to a new town while downsizing brings a few opportunities with it as well. A fresh start and the ability to reinvent yourself can help you recover after a rough patch in life, particularly a romantic or professional setback. A new house, new job, and new friends could be exactly the shakeup your life needs to get back on track.

Storing Excess Belongings

Before your move, decide which items will be coming along with you and which ones will need to be dealt with. If you can’t decide between keeping, disposing of, or donating many large items, consider putting them in storage while you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each decision. Mid-sized storage units can be found in Draper, Utah, for between $100 and $200 per month.

Protecting Your Investment

During the home buying process, have a full inspection conducted on your new house, paying special attention to what appliances and features are still covered under their manufacturer’s warranties. In addition to know whether a property is worth buying, an inspection can help you assess whether enrolling in a home warranty program would be worthwhile. While homeowner’s insurance will cover losses and damages to your property and the people who happen to be on it, a home warranty supplements the warranties of items within your home, effectively extending your coverage in the event they need routine repairs or replacement. When looking for the best home warranty company, focus on customer service, the cost of a service agreement and your deductible.

Mitigating Stress While Moving

When the time comes to finally move, do so in as organized a manner as you can manage. Decide which items you’ll be getting rid of while you pack, setting them aside rather than bringing them along to be taken care of later. The items you are bringing should go into clearly labeled boxes. Write on each box what its contents are and where in the new house they’ll be going. This will eliminate any confusion for anyone helping you move while also streamlining your unpacking process.

Many people simply have family and friends help them move, but hiring professional movers might be the better call if you can afford it. Reputable, trustworthy movers will typically conduct a free inspection of the home and moving task before deciding on a price. Be sure to shop around and research your local moving companies for info such as their prices, customer reviews, licenses, and overall reputation.

Moving into a smaller home is an easy, cost-effective way to simplify your life. Picking the right movers, keeping things organized, and evaluating whether a home warranty is necessary will ensure this new chapter in your life begins smoothly.