As the nation embarks on the next four years under President Donald Trump’s administration, the housing market stands at the threshold of significant opportunity. With the housing sector serving as an economic cornerstone and a primary driver of wealth for millions of...
In 2024, I penned an article highlighting the alarming trend of renters outpacing homeowners in the United States. The data was clear: renter households were growing three times faster than homeowner households, driven by government overregulation, restrictive zoning...
As I reflect on my career in real estate, I often find myself thinking about the origins of this profession—a journey that started centuries ago and has evolved dramatically over time. Understanding where they came from can offer us insight into how far agents have...
As I sit at my kitchen table, sipping a steaming cup of mint herbal tea and reflecting on the past few years, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the concept of home has never been more significant. In a world full of uncertainties—economic upheavals, a global...
We live in an age where instant gratification has become the norm rather than the exception. With the click of a button, we can access information, purchase items, and even watch entire seasons of TV shows without waiting. Social media platforms, online shopping, and...