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Landmarks Illinois, a historic preservation-focused nonprofit organization, has awarded grants totaling $7,000 through the Timuel D. Black Jr. Grant Fund for Chicago’s South Side to preserve three historic sites.

The Bronzeville Trail Task Force in the city’s Bronzeville section is receiving a $2,500 matching grant to support publicity and community engagement tools related to the group’s effort to convert the abandoned Kenwood branch CTA train tracks into two miles of parkway for walking, biking and jogging.

The Englewood Real Estate Development Corp. in the Englewood community is receiving a $2,500 matching grant for temporary roof repairs to the Englewood Schlitz Tied House, one of the last remaining pre-prohibition Schlitz Brewing taverns – the site is being restored to serve as a community gathering space.

Jackson Park Watch in the Jackson Park neighborhood is receiving a $2,000 matching grant to conduct a structural assessment of the Clarence Darrow Bridge to help determine a preservation plan for the bridge, parts of which predate the World Columbian Exposition of 1893.

The fund provides small planning and capital matching grants to support organizations and people working to preserve the history, culture and architecture of Chicago’s South Side where its namesake Timuel D. Black Jr., a prominent civil rights leader and historian, spent the majority of his life.

Photo: The Englewood Schlitz Tied House