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A real estate broker in Sarasota, Florida, pleaded guilty to federal charges that he collected nearly $300,000 in disability payments without reporting he was still actively employed.

Allen R. Jenkins, 68, received United States Railroad Retirement disability payments between 2004 and 2022. However, according to the charges brought against him, Jenkins was listed as a registered agent/officer of at least 22 businesses, maintained five real estate broker’s licenses, and was licensed and working as a community association manager during those years. Jenkins also purchased and renovated properties for profit while collecting disability payments.

Jenkins was charged with failing to report his work activity, and he provided false information during one interview when asked about his activities. As a result of his actions, the United States Railroad Retirement Board overpaid Jenkins approximately $271,124 in disability benefits.

Jenkins will be sentenced on July 30 and could face up to 10 years in federal prison.