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Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather didn’t wait for Santa Claus to bring him a present for Christmas – instead, he paid $20 million for a retail property in the heart of Manhattan.

TMZ Sports reported Mayweather acquired the 1,540-square-foot multi-floor property, located at the corner of Sixth Avenue and West 47th Street in the city’s Diamond District.

“I used to shop in the diamond exchange as a young adult,” Mayweather said in a statement announcing the sale. “I never thought I would end up owning this important property at the entrance of 47th Street. Through hard work and dedication anything is possible.”

The website Essentially Sports claimed that Mayweather posted an Instagram video announcing he gifted the property to his grandson, Kentrall Gaulden Jr. However, there is currently no video on Mayweather’s Instagram page featuring that pronouncement.

This is the latest Manhattan property acquisition by Mayweather. In October, he acquired more than 60 buildings in a $402 million deal.

Photo courtesy Floyd Mayweather’s Instagram page