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Homeowners in Georgia’s Atlanta and Savannah markets are being recruited to put themselves and their properties on camera for an upcoming television series focused on home design.

A marketing pitch published by JS Casting Inc. seeks to plumb participant interest by asking questions that include: Do you have an interesting family story or emotional connection to your house? Do you have a home that has lost its style and feeling? Do you need help to make some rooms pop with character? Do you want to make new memories in your home and believe that homes should be where the heart is?

The casting call did not identify the name of the series, although the online application form featured the acronym “HIWTHI,” which is commonly used an abbreviation for “Home is Where the Heart Is.” It is also uncertain who would be hosting this series.

Also, JS Casting did not say which broadcast platform will present the series. However, the company has previously recruited participants to appear on several HGTV programs.