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If you are trying to become better as a professional, technology and digital marketing will consistently be a big part of the process. Today, the world is seeing revolutionary changes that are disrupting industries.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) currently is part of a $136 billion market. If you work in a field like real estate, you’ll always want to use the tools of the day to generate leads and get new clients.

LinkedIn can help. The company recently announced plans to incorporate AI tools into its system in a way that can help professionals.

Here’s what you should know about the latest LinkedIn AI announcement and how it affects real estate agents.

LinkedIn Announces AI

LinkedIn recently announced plans to incorporate AI into its platform. The company announced the creation of “collaborative articles”. This is an AI-based content initiative that is meant to start conversations between creators on LinkedIn.

Not only will the AI generate potential topics, but it’ll also reach out to creators who fit the parameters of the topic, prompting them to contribute and add their own personal experience, insight, and research.

People will be incentivized to participate with top performer badges and other perks. The AI gets the ball rolling so that the numerous people in the LinkedIn community can contribute and engage with the subject matter.

This helps because idea generation is often the hard part. Once people have some direction and topics to discuss, the rest becomes a collaborative process that will yield results.

It’s excellent news for real estate agents and professionals in a variety of industries.

How Can AI Expand Content for Real Estate Agents?

There were nearly 600,000 real estate agent jobs in 2021. This is a sign of a healthy industry and job outlook, but this also means you’re competing against more professionals.

Real estate agents are entrepreneurial by nature, and must always be looking into their next leads and customers. In addition to LinkedIn’s platform, there are so many benefits of AI for real estate pros.

It’s Cost-Effective

One of the main benefits of AI for real estate agents is that it’s incredibly cost-effective. Real estate marketing can get pricey, so you will appreciate having access to the cost savings that you get through the power of data.

These tools will handle the workload that used to require entire groups of creatives to brainstorm. Many real estate agents are solo entrepreneurs, so having access to marketing tools that level the competition can be helpful.

Using AI can make you more productive and will help you keep tabs on your time.