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I got my first and hopefully last bank mortgage when I was nineteen years old.

Despite not having a full-time job, me and a teenage buddy pre-qualified to borrow up to $250,000. We bought a fourplex, renovated it, and flipped it for a modest profit.

We were lucky.

Most people have no idea how money actually works.

They definitely don’t understand how mortgages work.

We certainly didn’t at the time.

Most people assume that you go to the bank, borrow their money, and then pay it back with interest.

That’s just silly.

Kind of like believing America is a democracy.

Or that Subway is healthy for you.

Here’s how modern mortgages actually work

Back in the day, the middle class worked good-paying union jobs, borrowed a reasonable amount of money (typically less than 3X annual single-earner income) from local bankers who risked their own real capital.

Now, the middle class no longer exists. Instead: