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A bill that would codify federal disparate impact standards ahead of a possible rollback by President Trump of those standards has been introduced in the New York State legislature.

The Gothamist reports the bill would ensure the disparate impact standard could be cited by residents filing a housing discrimination claim under the Fair Housing Act. This standard enables those filing the claim do no need to prove that the discrimination was intentional.

Trump attempted to revise the standards during his first presidential term, but a court ruling stopped that effort. The disparate impact rule was fully reinstated by President Biden in 2023.

“The way that we ensure that housing discrimination can continue to be fought in New York is by putting disparate impact into state law,” said Sen. Micah Lasher (D-Manhattan), the bill’s sponsor.

The bill is being publicly backed by Rev. Al Sharpton, who highlighted the legislation at last week’s rally for his National Action Network in Harlem.

“We see this as a civil rights bill and we hope that all the Assembly and the state Senate understand what we are doing, and we are doing this in unison,” Sharpton said.