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For the first time ever, the most global web searches for South Florida real estate originated from Poland.

According to data from the Miami Association of Realtors, prospective buyers from Poland led the property-curios of 149 countries in home searches on during February. Colombia, South Florida’s top global buyer, ranked second last month – and this marked the 24th consecutive month with Colombia finishing in the top-two among the top countries searching for Miami real estate.

Rounding out the top 10 countries for this list were France, the U.K., Russia, China, India, Argentina, Canada and the British Virgin Islands.

“Poland rising to the most searches for Miami real estate shows how the world is in love with Miami,” Gus Fonte, 2024 board chairman of the realtors group. “Nearly 150 countries searched our website last month and only two of the top 10 come from Latin America, illustrating how Miami’s allure spreads beyond South America.”

As for out-of-state buyers looking to South Florida, the states with the most searches of in February were Georgia, Virginia, New York, Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, California and Texas.