Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen appeared to take on the role of campaign surrogate for the Biden-Harris re-election effort in a speech promoted to consider the “economic case for democracy.”
In prepared remarks delivered before the McCain Institute in Washington, D.C., Yellen’s speech seemed to take potshots at former President Donald Trump – who declined to reappoint her as the chairperson of the Federal Reserve – while talking up key elements of the Biden administration’s agenda.
“Recently, democracy has come under threat,” said Yellen. “That challenge was especially terrifying on the notorious day of January 6th, when rioters, spurred on by a lie, stormed the Capitol. They attempted to block the peaceful transition of leadership at the heart of our democracy. But the threat to democracy is not just here at home. In Europe, Putin’s authoritarian regime continues to wage a brutal and unjust war. That war is devastating to Ukraine’s future, and it is also undermining the rules-based international order.”
Yellen made no direct mention of the recent demonstrations on American campuses in support of Hamas’ terrorism war against Israel – let alone the Hamas invasion of Israel last October – although her comments on upholding “the rule of law” could be seen as a veiled reference to the tumult disrupting higher education.
“Citizens in a democracy also widely obey the law,” she said. “They do so because other citizens also support it. Moreover, they view it as their duty to cooperate with law enforcement: If I disobey the law, you will see it as your duty to help the authorities, as the law requires and vice versa. Such cooperation is a foundation of democracy. There’s a name for the respect for the law that’s typical of democracies. It’s called “legitimacy.” Absent such legitimacy, democracy collapses. But with it, democracy thrives.”
Yellen was also selective in highlighting the Biden administration’s record. She claimed the post-pandemic economy “bounced back quickly, achieving rapid economic growth and unemployment that remains near historic lows.” However, she made no direct reference to the challenges facing the housing market, only making a somewhat cryptic notion that another administration would not respect homeowners.
“In a democracy, individuals and firms can trust that arrangements such as property rights will not change overnight and will be enforced fairly, no matter who is in power,” she said. “Winners are not predetermined or subject to the arbitrary and unpredictable whims of political leaders.”
Photo: European Central Bank / Flickr Creative Commons
Her statement “In a democracy, individuals and firms can trust that arrangements such as property rights will not change overnight and will be enforced fairly, no matter who is in power,” she said. “Winners are not predetermined or subject to the arbitrary and unpredictable whims of political leaders.” are all things that have occurred under the Biden admin through the embedded bureaucrats. The party of corruption, the Democrats, expand the government payroll with sycophants that will protect them, and their corrupt acts.
When these traitors say the word “democracy”, they mean their democracy, their club, the one you’re not in.
Thank goodness Trump did not reappoint the old windbag, she needs to retire and now! Nothing but a mouthpiece for the swamp!
527 violent deadly riots during the summer of 2020 by the leftwing BLM mobs, which were encouraged by Democrats and only minimally prosecuted: that’s a threat to democracy. Democrat policies of defunding police and not requiring bail for criminals: that’s a threat to democracy Denying the rampant 2020 election fraud and cheating by democrats which resulted in an improbable outcome and installation of an illegitimate and corrupt administration: that’s a threat to democracy. Democrats and their deep-state tools colluding with mainstream media and social media to promote lies and censor conservative opinions and facts that expose Democrat’s corruption: that’s a threat to democracy. -Mandating masks that don’t work and vaccines with limited efficacy and deadly side-effects, while firing thousands of military personnel who refused to abandon common sense and their constitutional rights: that’s a threat to democracy… it is fascism. Standing on a blood-red stage, pounding your fists on a lecturn and calling Americans who disagree with you-half the population- “semi fascists”: that’s pure Naziism, fascism and a threat to democracy.
4 years of President Trump followed by 4 years of Biden prove the true threat to Democracy and success for all Americans is the Biden Democrats, Marxists and fascists. Americans deserve better.
Lol, she’s terrified of America and Americans. As a former liberal Democrat, I can tell you these Democrats are progressives and they are evil. Liberals will try to convince you but progressives will FORCE you. They are called progressives because they get progressively worse. They are using the NAR to push their agenda.
The majority of Americans think that there is a threat to democracy in our country.
That Putin commands an authoritarian regime which Trump has excused and is willing to enable is a fact.
Calling Janet Yellen a “campaign surrogate” for the Democratic Party, is intoned with cowardly accusation and unnecessary partisan bias.
Fact: Donald Trump has clearly stated that he wants to be a dictator. Nothing could be more anti-democratic.
Accusatory barbs (David, 5/6, B 5/5)—- “fascism, Nazism, deep state, election fraud, embedded bureaucrats, party of corruption,…” not to mention complete untruths, do nothing to protect democracy, as is OUR responsibility.
Ending an article with a vague reference to “a somewhat cryptic notion” with no discussion of “challenges facing the housing market”, the subject of this site, is just bad writing.
We have four years of Trump as president. No sign of a dictator! With Biden we have open borders and inflation! He is creating a command and control economy through cabinet regs. He is the threat to democracy. His DOJ is turning our legal system into a third world country system
You infer from statements taken out of context that Trump stated he wants to be a dictator. Then you dramatically post it here as factual. I feel that is unfair to anyone who has a view that does not align with your.
Keep in mind that the Nazi party was, in Fact, the National Socialist Party. The violence of the past 4 years is the equivalent of the Brown Shirts in Germany in the 1930’s, done to promote Hitler. Read some historical accounts.
The Fact that ANYONE in the Real Estate Industry would Want to keep her and or this administration in power is a Complete Joke. She’s an Idiot trying to keep her JOB!
The word “Democracy” is No where in Constitution people. America is Not a democracy. And if Trump wanted to be a dictator he would have been last term. Bring back 1.9% inflation and 3% rates 🙏
Vote Left and You’ll have Nothing Left!!
Wow, none of the previous comments address anything Yellen was credited for saying in the article. The US does have the strongest economy and best recovery from the pandemic, more job creation, lower unemployment, raising wages, lower inflation and more people with insurance than ever. All facts.
Fact: inflation is the highest it has been in over 35 years.
Fact: unemployment is higher than it was 4 years ago, especially when you factor in the number of Americans who have stopped seeking full time employment.
The majority of Americans are threatened by this regime and the psychotic supporters posting here (mostly Democrat staffers). Tens of millions of Americans are fleeing Democrat cities and states to keep their children safe. TDS is mental illness.