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The real estate department at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business is introducing a course designed to teach students how to use data analytics to guide real estate investments.

According to a report in The Daily Pennsylvanian, the half-semester course titled “REAL 3700X: Real Estate Data Analytics” will teach students where real estate data comes from and how they can use statistical methods to enable a better analysis of real estate data on subjects including properties, mortgages, and macroeconomic indicators. Students enrolled in the course will be required to complete small homework assignments, a group case project and an individual project, while guest speakers from the real estate industry will offer their insight on the subjects being examined.

“There’s a lot of innovation in the data that the [real estate] industry now has at their fingertips,” said Benjamin Keys, the real estate and finance professor who will be teaching the course beginning in the spring 2025 semester. “Data on getting better measures of rents and vacancies, better spatial data on nearby amenities, or data on where schools are or the crime rate of a neighborhood.”